Singleton (mathematics)

In mathematics, a singleton, also known as a unit set,[1] is a set with exactly one element. For example, the set {0} is a singleton.

The term is also used for a 1-tuple (a sequence with one element).



Note that a set such as {{1, 2, 3}} is also a singleton: the only element is a set (which itself is however not a singleton). A singleton is distinct from the element it contains,[1] thus 1 and {1} are not the same thing.

A set is a singleton if and only if its cardinality is 1. In the set-theoretic construction of the natural numbers, the number 1 is defined as the singleton {0}.

In axiomatic set theory, the existence of singletons is a consequence of the axiom of pairing: for any set A that axiom applied to A and A asserts the existence of {A,A}, which is the same as the singleton {A} (since it contains A, and no other set, as element).

If A is any set and S is any singleton, then there exists precisely one function from A to S, the function sending every element of A to the one element of S.


In topology, a space is a T1 space if and only if every singleton is closed.

Structures built on singletons often serve as terminal objects or zero objects of various categories:

Definition by indicator functions

Let S be a class defined by an indicator function

b: X \to \{0, 1\}.

Then S is called a singleton if and only if, for all xX,

b(x) = (x = y) \,

for some yX.

Traditionally, this definition was introduced by Whitehead and Russell[2] along with the definition of the natural number 1, as

1 \ \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \ \hat{\alpha}\{(\exists x) . \alpha = \iota \jmath x\}, where \iota \jmath x \ \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \ \hat{y}(y = x).

See also


  1. ^ a b

    Stoll, Robert (1961). Sets, Logic and Axiomatic Theories. W. H. Freeman and Company. pp. 5–6. 

  2. ^ Whitehead, Alfred North; Bertrand Russell (1910). Principia Mathematica. p. 37.